Priscilla Presley Says Elvis Presley Never Saw Her Without Makeup on

Publish date: 2024-05-18

In Priscilla Presley‘s memoir titled Elvis and Me, she details how exhausting it was to be Elvis Presley‘s lover. She says that he expected her to be perfectly presentable at all times, and if Priscilla didn’t adhere to his rules, there would be consequences. 

And because he expected so much from her physical appearance, she admits that the king of Rock and Roll never saw her without makeup.

Elvis Presley took full control of Priscilla Presley’s appearance

Priscilla was only 14-years-old when she first met Elvis. (The rock and roll singer was 24 at the time.) She was invited to attend one of his parties and felt utterly star-struck for the entire night. 

Yet as it turns out, there was a rather unsettling reason why Elvis preferred to date a teenage girl. He disturbingly told his friend Rex Mansfield that Priscilla was “young enough” that he could “train her in any way I want.”

And he did precisely that.      

Elvis told Priscilla what to wear, how to walk, and how to act. He would make her walk around the house with a book over her head to fix her posture. He’d force her to wear more makeup than she was comfortable with because he said she “looked too plain” without it. 

Elvis would get mad at Priscilla if she cut her hair without his permission because “men like long hair.” If she’d wear clothes that had patterns or prints on them, he’d make her get rid of the outfits because they “didn’t suit her.” If Priscilla’s nail polish was the slightest bit chipped, Elvis would scold her for not being presentable enough.  

It got to the point where Priscilla said that she was “Elvis’s doll, his own living doll, to fashion as he pleased.”

Priscilla Presley would always wear makeup around Elvis Presley

If Priscilla wasn’t wearing enough makeup, he’d blatantly tell her to go upstairs and put some more on. 

“You need to apply more makeup around your eyes,” Elvis told her, according to her memoir. “Make them stand out more. They’re too plain naturally. I like a lot of makeup. It defines your features.”

And to please the Rock and Roll singer, she’d never let him see her without layers of mascara. “I always had a little bit of makeup,” she admits during her appearance on Loose Women

“He taught me everything,” Priscilla reveals in her book. “How to dress, how to walk, how to apply makeup and wear my hair, how to behave, how to return love-his way. Over the years, he became my father, husband, and very nearly God.”

Priscilla Presley divorced Elvis Presley at the age of 27 to find herself

Priscilla says that she never fell out of love with Elvis, yet she had to end their relationship in an effort to find herself. She admits on Loose Women that she lost her identity when she was with him.

“I didn’t have my teenage years as a normal girl, obviously, so I had to adapt. So I just kind of followed what he did,” she reveals. “I mean, you lived his life. You saw the movies he wanted to see. You listened to the music he wanted to listen to. You’d go to places that he would go… I honestly didn’t have my own life. … So I really kind of lost myself.”

“I did not divorce him because I didn’t love him,” she continues. “He was the love of my life, but I had to find out about the world.”
