DAVE THE DIVER Staff Hiring & Configuration Guide

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Hiring is expensive. Training is more expensive. Waste no money.


Guide to Staff Hiring & Configuration


The guide contains minor spoilers of a feature that is unlocked during late game, but this section is spoiler free, so no worries (for now).

For early game, my hiring recommendations are:

Note: The underlined ones are must-haves, but the others are also decent.

Also, here’s a brief overview of what each stat does:

And hence ends the spoiler free part.


Raul, James, Charlie, Yusuke and Yone are the ideal candidates. They have the best skills and decent cooking stats. Maki has been available early game and is also usable, but her skillset isn’t as great.

Don’t sweat if these folks don’t show up in your applicant list. The kitchen part is quite chill and basically couldn’t go wrong. Anyone with high enough cooking stat will suffice.


What’s worth mentioning about Raul is that when he’s in the kitchen, you get an extra 10g for every drink (including cocktail) sold. Consider hiring Raul if you are fine with his slightly lower (but still good enough) cooking stat.

Dining Area

Here’s where you got to choose. Do you want a fully automatic team, or are you fine with grinding wasabi about twice each night?

If you want a hands free combination:

The downside with this combination is that you might lose 1-5 customers each night when it gets busy, but everything runs automatically. You can just sit back and watch.

If you are fine being the wasabi man, consider this combination:

Here you always get all customers. There is a slim chance you miss one, but that is highly unlikely. All you need to do is stand by the wasabi machine and grind wasabi when it gets low. Just grind wasabi.

On a side note, in case you are curious about the manager role:

Once someone is designated as the manager, they become (well, at least within the game’s context) omnipotent. They can do everything (cleaning, serving drinks, grinding wasabi, etc) with or without the corresponding skills. They do, however, tend to prioritize those work they have skills with. I guess that’s how the role is programmed to be.

Also, the cooking stat of the manager determines the rank of your branch. And this rank caps the rank of ingredients you can send to the branch (yes, these are two different ranks).

For example, if your branch has a rank of 7, then you will not be able to send any ingredient of rank 8 or higher to the branch. Ranks of ingredients can be viewed under the ingredients tab.

Without making things more complcated, just make sure the cooking stat of your branch manager is above 500, so all ingredients can be used at the branch. If you are following this guide and your manager is maxed out, you should be fine.

Forage Team


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Written by CJ Bot
