Inside Crispin Glover's Restored Chateau in the Czech Republic

Publish date: 2024-05-19

I didn't know he had that kind of money

"The actor-director personally restored the 17-bedroom, 20-acre estate, which was once owned by an opera-commissioning count and served as a Communist medical testing facility."

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by Anonymousreply 32June 10, 2018 12:52 AM

i saw him in a vegetarian restaurant in frisco once, with a chick, he looked normal, but the eyes...when they met u jus knew he was....

not right.

by Anonymousreply 1April 18, 2018 3:18 PM

Best scene he ever filmed.

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by Anonymousreply 2April 18, 2018 3:25 PM

[quote]the 17-bedroom, 20-acre estate, which was once owned by an opera-commissioning count and served as a Communist medical testing facility."

I hope he burned a bushel of sage, laid in a supply of holy water/oil, and brought in a priest and a space healer to purge that house of evil and tortured spirits.

by Anonymousreply 3April 18, 2018 3:25 PM

[QUOTE]Murals dating back to the 1700s were beneath centuries of paint.


This is one of the most impressive editions of Tasteful Friends yet.

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by Anonymousreply 4April 18, 2018 3:45 PM

I've always loved him, but a confirmed bachelor in his 50s based out of Silver Lake setting up shop on a private compound filled with pheasants 45 minutes from Prague?

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by Anonymousreply 5April 18, 2018 3:49 PM

He refused to return for the Back to the Future sequels and the producers went ahead and used his likeness anyway. he sued Universal and Spielberg and received a huge settlement that has allowed him to live life on his own terms.

by Anonymousreply 6April 18, 2018 4:01 PM

He dated a (female) friend of my boyfriend's back in the 90s and he was apparently at the time a big collector of medical equipment - he came to my boyfriend's apartment for a party once and drooled over a stainless steel surgical table my boyfriend had inherited from his father (who was a vet)

by Anonymousreply 7April 18, 2018 4:15 PM

[quote][italic]"The actor-director personally restored the 17-bedroom, 20-acre estate[/italic], which was once owned by an opera-commissioning count [bold]and served as a Communist medical testing facility."[/bold]

[quote]he was apparently at the time a big collector of medical equipment - he came to my boyfriend's apartment for a party once and drooled over a stainless steel surgical table my boyfriend had inherited from his father (who was a vet)


by Anonymousreply 8April 18, 2018 4:22 PM

It's stunning. He's done an amazing job.

by Anonymousreply 9April 18, 2018 4:26 PM

Yeah he's def a psycho freak (but his eyes are so blue)

by Anonymousreply 10April 18, 2018 4:27 PM

[quote]I didn't know he had that kind of money

Honey, it's in the Czech Republic. he probably got it for $45 and a roll of toilet paper.

by Anonymousreply 13April 18, 2018 5:22 PM

Gorgeous! I wish there were larger and more pics.

by Anonymousreply 14April 18, 2018 5:25 PM

I'm scared of what he's into... Animals, people... dark web, hooks and chains... scary.

by Anonymousreply 15April 18, 2018 5:53 PM

That place is ugly as sin. I wouldn't feel comfortable in single room. Looks like a haunted mansion and it's a very odd purchase for a single man.

It's just hideous.

by Anonymousreply 16April 18, 2018 6:33 PM

I think it’s creepy. Aside from communist medical experiments, the previous owner disappeared. No thank you.

by Anonymousreply 17April 18, 2018 7:50 PM

He is obsessed with medical procedure. This makes perfect sense.

by Anonymousreply 18April 18, 2018 8:18 PM

[QUOTE]Looks like a haunted mansion and it's a very odd purchase for a single man.

Didn’t you read the article? It’s for his own movie and TV production sets. It’s not his private residence, though I’m sure he stays in the master apartment often. His main home is in Cali.

I have no doubt however that he’s doing something else incredibly weird there. He’s an odd duck and he’s probably living out some sick fantasies in that place.

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by Anonymousreply 19April 18, 2018 8:33 PM

The pictures are lovely, but the place looks as livable as a cemetary and I agree that the whole setup sounds creepy.

What the hell kind of films is he making out there, anyway? Or is he putting out bizarre fetish porn under another name or something? I agree that the place probably cost next to nothing to buy, but the restoration took some real bucks, and he doesn't seem to have much legitimate income.

by Anonymousreply 20April 19, 2018 7:33 AM

I love his song "the Pied Piper"

by Anonymousreply 21April 19, 2018 12:26 PM

[QUOTE]What the hell kind of films is he making out there, anyway?

The place is like a movie studio. You can make anything there.

by Anonymousreply 22April 19, 2018 1:34 PM

Haven’t Europeans ever heard of box springs? Those beds look so uncomfortable.

by Anonymousreply 23April 19, 2018 1:46 PM

R6, he asked for one million and reportedly settled for around 800k.

by Anonymousreply 24April 19, 2018 3:07 PM

Great pictures. Get ready for a CDAN blind item cult, child prostitution and some random dictator.

by Anonymousreply 25April 19, 2018 3:10 PM

I looked him up and he looks crazy like someone else posted about. He looks like you'd imagine Patrick Bateman of American Psycho to look.

Most famous people with lots of money get Swiss Chalets, or homes in regions in Southern France, or parts of Italy instead.

R18 why is he so obsessed with medical procedures, surgery, etc.? At least he bought and restored a historical building instead of building a brand new place.

Glover has residences in Los Angeles and the Czech Republic. His residence (45 minutes east of Prague by train) Zámek Konárovice, is a 17th century 20-acre (8.1 ha) chateau that is recognized as historically significant by the Czech government. The property requires constant upkeep and restoration; according to Glover, "[The property] is a lifetime project that will be in continuous flux and repair for hundreds of years from now, as it has been the hundreds of years before I 'owned' it."[18]

From 2002 until 2003, Glover was dating Alexa Lauren, a Penthouse magazine Pet of the Month for September 1999.

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by Anonymousreply 27June 9, 2018 11:20 PM

^I can vouch for what R1 is saying regarding his strange demeanor. When I met him, he came across as an arrogant, above-it-all dipshit. In a word, poisonous.

by Anonymousreply 28June 9, 2018 11:26 PM

Those are big-ass peacocks.

I love Crispin.

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by Anonymousreply 29June 10, 2018 12:08 AM

DIdnt he write a screed implying that Spielberg is a pedo

by Anonymousreply 30June 10, 2018 12:32 AM

I think the house looks amazing, but it does look as livable as a cemetery.

by Anonymousreply 31June 10, 2018 12:49 AM

I know it's contrary to DL's conventional wisdom, which says that any unmarried actor over 40 is a closet case, but fuck-- have any of you ever met any actors?

So many of them are borderline insane and it's not the least bit surprising they can't sustain a relationship.

by Anonymousreply 32June 10, 2018 12:52 AM
