Broncos reporter Benjamin Allbright makes bizarre Twitter sexting confession

Publish date: 2024-05-21

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We’ve all sent regrettable tweets, but these may take the cake.

Benjamin Allbright, a Denver Broncos insider and radio host for KOA Colorado, posted a thread of tweets early Friday morning dishing on how he had cheated on his partner by sexting his ex-girlfriend.

“I’ve been a bad friend, I’ve been a bad partner,” Allbright began his missive, which has since been deleted. “I cheated on my partner. Not physically, but emotionally. Which is worse, to many. No one asked me to type this, and it is me typing it. I royally messed up.”

Allbright then went into detail about how he “had a really great person” in his now-ex, before sharing personal details about their relationship with his 100,000-plus Twitter followers.

“We had a rocky go of it in spurts, but always pushed through. Some fights were my fault. Some hers. She had trauma from her past about being left/abandoned, and that was a stressor at times, but understandably so,” he continued.

“We had some knock down dragouts, but pushed through it every time and were stronger for it. Or so it seemed. I began to lose confidence in myself. There were other physical issues on my end as a result.

“So what did my dumbass do? I didn’t reach out to my partner and talk about them. I did the dumbest thing possible. Tried talking to and sexting my ex.”

“Yep, I am THAT piece of s–t.

“Happened 4 or 5 times over a 6 month period.


A screengrab of the Twitter thread NFLNotify/Twitter
Benjamin Allbright AllbrightNFL/Twitter

Allbright went out to explain that his indiscretion came out, and implied that it led to a breakup, saying: “I think we all know with the unforgivable comes not being forgiven.”

He added that it isn’t his “love letter or Hail Mary,” and rather that it was his “accountability to the world for being a pretty crummy person and warning everyone else not to be stupid.”

Then, the woman who appeared to be the one he cheated on got involved.

“I didn’t know you were posting my trauma Ben,” a woman with the Twitter handle Jessica Maxwell responded to his thread. “You harvested my trauma for likes and follows and sympathy.”

Later, after Allbright apologized again but said Maxwell “knows what she’s doing here,” she sent another response, saying: “Jesus. You can’t ever NOT LIE.”

A screengrab of the Twitter exchange Twitter/@QBWinsRnotAstat

Maxwell did not stop firing off shots at Allbright, in tweets that, as of Friday morning, remain on her page.

“You cheated. And involved my kids. And I’m so sorry this is playing out on social. But I won’t allow you to harvest our personal likes for likes and follows,” she wrote.

In another exchange, of which Allbright’s half was deleted, Maxwell wrote: “I have screen shots too. Except you told me I can’t post because it would [be] considered porn. But not between the person you lived with.”

Allbright responded: “Yes Jessica my D–k picks would be revenge porn and I’m just trying to keep you out of getting in trouble by posting that stuff. But don’t take my word forward [sic] ask anyone else in this thread.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, whatever good graces Allbright hoped to gain from the internet did not come his way.

“Kind of respect Allbright finding a new way to dunk on himself every few months,” Barstool’s Big Cat wrote on Twitter with screengrabs of the tweets. “Didn’t have ‘pouring my heart out to strangers online about my own relationship issues for no reason whatsoever’ on the Bingo board but here we are.”

“Ben Allbright told his 165,000 followers, in intimate detail, that he cheated on his girlfriend when he could’ve just shared Future songs like a normal person,” wrote Twitter user Colb, a social media producer at SB Nation. “Embarrassed that poor woman for no reason.”

Ben Allbright told his 165,000 followers, in intimate detail, that he cheated on his girlfriend when he could’ve just shared Future songs like a normal person.

Embarrassed that poor woman for no reason.

— Colb (@___Colb___) April 7, 2023

Me: hey man are the Broncos trading Jerry Jeudy?

NFL insider Ben Allbright: I cheated on my girlfriend with my ex girlfriend not physically but emotionally because I have erectile issues brought on by a lack of self confidence

— Becks (@BecksWelker) April 7, 2023

Allbright hosts “Broncos Country Tonight” on KOA Colorado.

KOA Colorado declined comment to The Post, calling it a “personal matter.”
