Jill Petrushka and Marc Pfeffer: The Parents of a Cop Killer

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Who are Jill Petrushka and Marc Pfeffer?

Jill Petrushka and Marc Pfeffer are the parents of Miles Pfeffer, an 18-year-old man who was accused of the murder of Temple University Police Officer Christopher Fitzgerald in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania¹. He was taken into custody on the morning of February 19, 2023 in Bucks County in connection with Fitzgerald’s death¹.

According to their social media pages, Jill Petrushka and Marc Pfeffer are from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania²³. The family moved to their residence on the Boxley Farm along Quarry Road four years ago²³.

What happened on February 18, 2023?

On February 18, 2023, Miles Pfeffer shot and killed Officer Christopher Fitzgerald near the campus of Temple University in Philadelphia¹. Fitzgerald was responding to a robbery when he encountered Miles and his brother, who were both armed with handguns⁴. Fitzgerald reported via radio that he was in a foot pursuit and chased Miles into an alley⁴. Video surveillance footage showed Miles firing at Fitzgerald, who fell to the ground. Miles then fired several more shots into Fitzgerald while standing over him⁴.

Miles then fled the scene in a stolen vehicle and was picked up by his mother Jill at 29th Street & Ridge Avenue and driven to their home on Quarry Road in Buckingham⁴. Miles’ brother hid in another alley and witnessed the shooting⁴.

What are the charges against Miles Pfeffer?

Miles Pfeffer faces multiple charges related to the fatal shooting of Officer Christopher Fitzgerald. These include murder, murder of a law enforcement officer, robbery, carjacking, and weapons crimes¹. He is not eligible for bail and is being held at the Bucks County Correctional Facility⁵.

District Attorney Larry Krasner said in a statement on February 19, 2023: “Pfeffer is also alleged to have attempted to rob Officer Fitzgerald of his gun and to have gone through his pockets, while the officer was laying on the ground and fatally wounded. Pfeffer is further alleged to have committed a carjacking a short time after, close to the location of the officer’s murder.”¹

How did the police arrest Miles Pfeffer?

The police arrested Miles Pfeffer on February 19, 2023 after a multi-agency raid on his family home in Buckingham. The police seized multiple weapons from the property and took Jill Petrushka in for questioning²³. The police used Fitzgerald’s handcuffs to place Miles under arrest as a tradition to honor the fallen officer²³.

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said: “This arrest is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our officers and our law enforcement partners. We will continue to work tirelessly to bring justice to Officer Fitzgerald’s family and friends.”⁵

Who was Officer Christopher Fitzgerald?

Officer Christopher Fitzgerald was a 28-year-old police officer who had been on the Temple University police force since October 2021¹. He was a graduate of Temple University and had served in the U.S. Army Reserve as a military police officer⁵. He was married and had a 2-year-old daughter⁵.

Temple University President Jason Wingard said: “Officer Fitzgerald gave his life protecting the Temple community and we are forever indebted to him. He valiantly served the Temple community and the people of Philadelphia.”⁵

The Temple University Police Association posted a tribute to Officer Fitzgerald on Twitter: “Remembering and honoring our forever hero, Police Officer Christopher Fitzgerald. Officer Fitzgerald gave his life protecting the Temple community and we are forever indebted to him. He valiantly served the Temple community and the people of Philadelphia EOW: 02/18/23.”
