Kunal Khorana Death: Entrepreneur & CEO of Multiple Companies Has Sadly Passed Away

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Kunal Khorana, a strong person who died on Friday, October 6, after a lengthy struggle with kidney disease, is remembered in Houston, Texas. Despite battling various health issues at a young age, Khorana shown incredible perseverance throughout his life, leaving a lasting legacy of grit and tenacity.

Kunal Khorana, who was he?

Kunal Khorana was a promising young soccer player from Houston, Texas. He demonstrated tremendous potential in the sport from an early age, competing with athletes two years his senior and achieving international notoriety. His successful career, however, was cut short by a deadly kidney disease, prompting him to seek new means of securing his future.

When Khorana was 15, his life took a catastrophic turn. He was diagnosed with serious kidney illness, which necessitated nearly 30 operations, including kidney transplants. His health difficulties were exacerbated by a pharmaceutical scandal involving Gadolinium, a medicine that should not have been prescribed to anyone with kidney problems. Unfortunately, Khorana was one of these people, and as a result, he suffered irreversible bodily injury that forced him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Khorana died on October 6 after battling kidney disease for over two decades. His health had deteriorated as a result of consequences from his disease, such as serious infections, heart attacks, and an addiction to fentanyl, which was initially provided to him for pain management.

Kunal Khorana died; what caused his death?

Kunal Khorana died as a result of a long-standing kidney illness he had battled since his teens. His poor health was exacerbated by the repeated operations, the aftermath from the drug scandal, and the ensuing addiction to pain medicine, all of which culminated to his untimely death at the age of 35.
