Sugenja Sri

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Sugenja Sri works as a model and actress. Her most well-known role is in the film A Simple Favor.
In the film A Simple Favor, Sugenja portrays one of Dennis Nylon’s receptionists. She’s also renowned for her roles in The Handmaid’s Tale and Designated Survivor.

What is the net worth of Sugenja Sri ?

Sugenja Sri net worth is estimated to be over $1 million.

Birthday and Age

Sugenja Sri was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 30. As a result, she celebrates her birthday every year on June 30. Every year on June 30th, you can wish her a happy birthday.

Sugenja Sri: 10 Interesting Facts

Facts of Sugenja Sri

NameSugenja Sri
Height5 Feet And 2 Inches
